Saturday, October 30, 2010


Control is a GUI that displays information arragement that could be changed by the user.

Contextual tab

A contextual tab is a tab on the ribbon that displays commands related to the active selection.

Context sensitive

Context sensitive is exhibiting different behaviour depending on a task or situation

Conditional formatting

Conditional Fomatting lets you apply formatting that appears only when the value in a cell meets conditions that you specify.

Compatibility mode

Compatibility mode is a software mechanism in which a computer's operating system emulates an older processor.

Comparison operators

Comparison operators are like == (equals) and > (greater than) that compare two expressions.


A comment is a programming language construct used to embed programmer-readable annotations in the source code of a computer program.

Column Chart

Data graphed as a series of vertical bars.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clustered Column Chart

 A column which is composed, or appears to be composed, of several columns collected together.

Close button

A red button on the upper right hand corner which will allow you to close the window.
Close Button Clip Art


A special file or memory area where data is stored temporarily before being copied to another location. Many word processors, for example, use a clipboard for cutting and pasting.

Clip Art

Electronic images that can be inserted into a document. Many clip-art packages are available, some general and others specialized for a particular field.


Citation is a reference to either a published or unpublished soure.

Circular Reference

Circular reference is a circular reference is a series of references where the last object references the first, resulting in a closed loop.


A centralized storage facility used by an ASP to retain database information related to the decision-making processes of an organization.

Cell Address

A cell address in a spreadsheet, such as Excel, identifies the location of the cell in the spreadsheet.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


 In spreadsheet applications, a cell is a box in which you can enter a single piece of data. The data is usually text, a numeric value, or a formula. 

Cash Flow Analysis

Cash flow analysis is a finacial analysis that compares the amount of money coming in and coming out.

Bulleted list

A small graphical element used to highlight or itemize a list. such as a round bullet, square bullet, diamond bullet, and a pointing finger bullet.

Bullet Point

A small graphical element used to highlight or itemize a list. such as a round bullet, square bullet, diamond bullet, and a pointing finger bullet.


Bullets are small graphical element used to higlight a list.


Borders is a built-in tool that lets users access predefined border styles to add a border around two or more cells on a spreadsheet.


A bibliography is a list of materials which can include books, manuscripts, reference sources, databases, magazine articles, etc. A bibliography will provides citations of additional resources and materials.

Bar Chart

A bar chart that has lenghts that are equivalent in proportions.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Backwardly Compatabile

Backward compatability is when it is able to take the place of an older product.


Autorecover is a function in computers which will allow it to save an open document.


An automatic determination of the best width for a column or best height for a row, based on its content.

Auto complete

Autocomplete is a feature in search engine that will predict the phrase that the user wants.


An attachment To link a file to an e-mail message so that they travel to their destination together. Any type of file can be attached.


Argument is a piece of data that is provided as input to subroutine.

Application Software

Application Software is a software designed to help the user perform on or more related specific task.

Lab 3 Word Art

Jeffrey Calderon

What you have to do is to go to the Insert tab and click on Word Art. Afterward, you go to format and then customize your text with shadow effects, 3D, and rotation

Monday, October 25, 2010


Animations is the rapid display of 2D and 3D images in order to create movement.


Anchor is the text associated with the hyperlink.

American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association iws the largest scientific organization of pyschologist in the U.S.


Alignment is the setting of text flow or image placement relative to the page.

ActiveX Controls

A computer program that is based on microsofts Computer Object Model archeticture.

Active Cell

The active cell is the cell with the black border. The active Cell is the one that recieves information.

Absolute Cell Reference

A cell reference in a formula that does not change when the formula is copied elsewhere. It absolutely always stays the same.

3D Pie Chart

A 3-D pie chart is a 3D basically a circular chart that is divided areas proportional to the percentage of the whole circle.

Microsoft Word Lab 2 Common skills

1.) You can change between applications by pressing the alt and Tab button at the same time. This allows you to change between active applications.

2.) First you select the statement the statement by pressing Ctrl and a. Afterwards you paste it by pressing Ctrl v. The next thing you do is to change the font size by selecting the statement and going to Font in the ribbon to Albertus MT. Then, you change the font size to 11 to 20. Afterward, you select it again and go to the paragraph section  in the ribbon and go to the numbering. The last thing is to use line spacing and change it to line spacing 3.0.

3.) You can create a column by going to the page layout tab in hte ribbon and go to column. In the column you select it and choose 3 columns.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Word-processing software

Word processor processes words, paragraphs, pages, and papers. Some word processors are Microsoft Word and Power Point.


Wizard is a part of a program that guides you through certain steps.

Windows explorer

Windows explorer is the program that allows window user to review and manage their files.


Window is an area of the screen that displays specific information for a specific program.


Wildcard is the card that can take places of others. Wild card is a character and is used for matching patterns.


WAN stands for Wide Area Network and are not limited to single locations like the LAN. The internet could be described as the biggest WAN in the world.


A virus is a small program in your computer that damages it a lot. You can get it by e-mail and is something you don't want.

Utility Software

Utility are software programs that are used in order for you to function your computer properly.

User Interface

A user interface is when a user controls a software program or hardware device.


Unix is an operating system in which  it serves as an operating system for web servers.